
Camp set up - Rain & Sun Shelter

On our Trip up Noosa river, we had our small ex-army Hootchie strung up between some trees. It gave us some protection from the rain showers that come through every hour or so while at camp, and cooking etc. But at 2.7m long x 1.75m wide it's small - particularly for a family of 5. A larger shelter would have also been nice to for the kids to sleep out of the sun. We've been on the look-out for a bigger shelter to make things a bit more comfortable in rain and storms as well as to provide sun protection. There are a number of options available with a range of sizes, weights and prices. While the MSR wings look very nice, they are also pricey. Rather than leap into a high end piece of gear, We have ended up with a cheap $69.90! fly by Oztrail which is quite large - 5.9 by 3.6m. The material is UVTex Polyester. It feels decent enough, but not ultra-light like high end products so it weights 1.9kg - I wouldn't be taking it H

Why did we decide to share?

Why did we decide to create this blog and share ? We are a family of five. Mum, Dad and three kids aged 3, 5 and 7. When we got into Kayaking in this current "configuration", as you do, we went on line to get ideas and see how others do it. What we discovered? Very little. We didn't find much in the way of blogs, trip reports and youtube or other info. We also didn't find very much information on gear specifically tailored to what we wanted to do. For example double kayaks - we discovered there was not many different options on the market and little information on those that were. On this blog we are going to share a few photos, some thoughts and maybe some trip reports. Really, this is mainly for us as a bit of diary that we can look back on. But we also hope to offer ideas to others in a similar position.